Friday, August 26, 2011

Time to head home

The sun rise this morning was incredible! One of the most beautiful ones I've seen...oh, it is also the last I'll be seeing in Sweden this trip. The reason I'm up so early is that we are flying home today.

We have been here for over six weeks and have really enjoyed our time. As I hope you have come to see being here is much more than a vacation, as far as I can fell it isn't really a vacation at all. It is more like a life style. It doesn't have the "relaxing" aspects of an average vacation. Nor do I end this experience feeling like I wanted to do more or I wish I had more time. I really want to go home!

Not that I won't miss the people or the island. I will remember everything fondly and will look forward to the time I can return. Because I've been coming here for so long and have grown to see thus place as a second home of sorts, it hard to know where to put it.

After being here for so long I almost have forgotten what it's like being home, being around my stuff and eating my food. I do however miss my bed. There is nothing like being in your own bed. Funny how the thing I miss the most is something I'm pretty much unaware of most of the time I'm using it.

So as we leave, I will ponder how much I have changed, how much my kids have grown and what will be different when we come back.

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