Saturday, July 13, 2013

11 years to the day

Today is our 11th anniversary. We generally don't make a big deal about them.  Sometimes we go out to dinner without the kids which is a big deal.  I'll buy flowers and some thing small.  Being on the island my options are somewhat limited.  There isn't a flower shop or a store to by the kinds if things a wife would like.  My wife is not really super into the Hallmark holidays.  Which I am glad for, if she were i would be in trouble and probably wouldn't even know it.   As far as I can tell anniversaries are not as commercialized here.  Actually most personal holidays don't seem to be. I could be wrong but I don't get the feeling that there isn't a commercial push.  This morning when I got up, I was not peppered with questions from the in-laws as to what my plans are...NONE. 

I just want to spend the day with the family.  Today like every other day is one of many with my wife no more important than any other.  A day I want to appreciate and live every moment.  The good peppered and bound by the bad. Enjoying then three reasons we are here. 

 Honestly, just because 4018 days ago I married her (3 leap years), should I love her more or have to prove to her that I love her more today?  Anniversaries like birthdays are somewhat arbitrary.  Because is take the earth 365 number of days to go around the sun and every day is dependent on rotation of the planet, taken 24, 60 minute hours which is based on the Babylonian base 60 counting system.  On a practice level there is no meaning in it.

What if we lived on Jupiter?...assuming we could stand the crushing pressure and the supersonic winds.  One Jupiter year last just over 11 earth years and a day on Jupiter last just under 10 hours also based on the Babylonian base 60 system.  Today we would be celebrating our first Anniversary.   So weird because I would also only four years old.  Is there a point to it all?

Actually never mind.  My wife just walked in.  

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